It doesn't matter whether you're playing Hello Kitty Island Adventures, browsing the internet, or rocking hardcore World of Warcraft – you should take a serious look at gaming accessories and peripherals for your computer. Here are a few reasons why:

Gaming accessories always look cooler. Just look at the image with this post. Does your mouse look that cool? I suspect, sir or madam, that is does not. Girls love a guy with a sexy gaming mouse. It's true. Guys will probably want to use it, too. Win-win.
2. Cool Features
Have you ever sat down at a desk and had a mouse jump around with the sensitivity way too high? Or have you ever used a mouse that was tuned so low that it crawled across the screen? Gaming mice usually have a feature where you can change mouse speed with the click of a button – no menus or setting needed.
Some mice also allow you to add weight cartridges, so you can fine-tune the weight to your liking. Others might allow you to play in either wired or wireless mode.
3. Durability
Gaming accessories are really made to last. Back-lit keyboards are designed to endure nerd rage! The back-lit keys never fade, can endure slamming, take multiple inputs, and hey... it's back-lit. (see reason 1) Headsets and mice are constructed with similar durability.
4. Ergonomics
Because gaming mice command a signifcant portion of the market, manufacturers are under pressure to make them comfortable over the long-term. Gamers demand something that won't wear their hand out after days of play.
5. Similar Cost
Gaming accessories like keyboards, mice, and headsets are not much more expensive than regular accessories. The Logitech G500, for example, can be found online for about $45. It lasts forever, tracks accurately, has a weight cartridge, and is amazingly comfortable.
Whether you're a gamer or not, I always strongly suggest starting with gaming accessories before wasting money on a keyboard or mouse that is uncomfortable and poorly constructed.