So, you’ve just made the big purchase and have bought your new iPhone or iPad, and now you have to fill it with apps. But which ones? The app store is full of hundreds of different apps for everything under the sun, but navigating your way through them can be irritating. Here is a quick list of essential apps to add to your new phone or iPad. Apps can be separated into two categories: productivity and procrastination. Every iPhone or iPad comes with a mixture of both, including a note pad and a link to YouTube. You can add to these to make your iPhone or iPad to make it more enjoyable.
Navigation app.
There are quite a few of these online, so you have your pick of the litter. Make sure to pick one that will work in your area, because some are for specific countries like the United States or Australia, and you’d hate to pick an app that doesn’t work in your country. Some companies release free or lite versions of their products, but these are only cut down versions of the full product, and it might not let you do all that you want. You might have to pay for a full navigator, but it will be worth it.
Lists and task apps.
These apps help you to create to do lists and organise when projects are due. Most of the basic ones include a project database as well as a daily to do list and a shopping list function, while the more expensive ones come with collaboration software, so you can send your list to others in your team. The iPhone and the iPad each come with a calendar, but these apps add functionality to it, so you can keep track of the project and how close the due date is.
File access.
Being on the go is common place in business, but you don’t have to worry about missing out on important information or files with file access apps. These allow you to set up ‘drop boxes’ on your work or home computer and sync those files with your device. You can be working on your report or presentation when you’re on the train going to work, and then upload the changes to your computer.
Music apps.
There are a few in this category, but the best ones that should be on every iPhone or iPad are the ones that can listen to any song and tell you what it is. Apart from making it easier to buy a song when you hear it playing on the radio, this is a great way to settle bets and arguments.
Brain teasers.
Crosswords, Sudoku, and quick math games help you to keep your brain active while passing the time. Some of the paid apps will let you keep score, so you can challenge your friends and see who’s the fastest.
Pin ball.
The old arcade favourite is back on your phone. Great for a quick game when you’re stuck in line at the grocery store or when you’re stuck in a meeting at work. Just make sure the sound is off.
Many different companies make these types of apps, so have a look at the reviews and see which one is right for you.
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Essential Apple Apps
Thursday, April 07, 2011