Recently I bought a latest mobile at a store but when I opened the cardboard package could see an additional baggage envelope..Unable to resist my curiosity I went ahead and enquired about a pouch made available in a new mobile set.
The representative of store in a word said for recycling sir, gave me a brochure that gave in detail what is done to a spare mobile. As I read the brochure it shot several rhetorical questions that scared me. Most of them asked about what concern you have as a citizen to global warming , are we creating a safer green for generation next, it went to the extent to ask, are not our Mobile collections a hazardous waste supporting to unsustainable growth of ecological imbalances. Environmental concern is not just corporate social responsibility but falls on part of citizens too was all I could make from the brochure read.
I decided not to waste time any long and trade in my spare cells to a Mobile recycling company; my neighbor took name of fonebank an entrepreneur to have marked up an identity in U.K. I filled in the basic formalities on my mobile giving make and model number in return they guaranteed on return few pounds in a short time, a fair deal indeed.
But I was more intestrested about the path a mobile recycle could take so to know this better I enquired the recycling agency the work about goes on. They meticulously explained.
Any phone recycle that reaches the recycling unit first undergoes basic norms laid on by Waste electrical and electronic equipment an environmental agency. The recycling agencies check for its authenticity, is from a worthy seller or a stolen. Check the cell thoroughly at all fronts like functioning, refurbish damages etc and once suitable for usage send for resale else break the cell systematically and metals, plastics, extracted from cells, plastic casings and batteries.
What happens to the reusable gadgets, they are simply shipped and sent to developing countries like India, Asia and African countries for reuse. By doing so, in the west environmental pollution is minimised and at other parts of world technologies are met and poorer countries reap the benefit. To quote, like Kenya, where landlines are inadequate to serve the purpose, these wireless technologies supplement. A brilliant ways adopted to balance the ecosystems. I would rather sell my mobile phone for cash to a recycling company tan keeping it in my drawer.
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