Are you still dumping your old mobile phones like any other item at home when purchasing the latest handset of mobile phone for yourself? It only happens if you are not aware of the evil affects of the mobile phones and other electronic gadgets on the environment, neither about the necessity of recycling of these gadgets.
Think again, it’s only our combined efforts and responsibilities towards the environment protection that can save the planet from the huge pollution created by the hazardous toxins released by the electronic gadgets all over the world.
In brief, as soon as you dispose a mobile phone for getting an upgraded model or simply because it is not applicable for few services, it keeps adding to the stock of unused mobile phones which a real threat to the environment. These mobile phones contain hazardous chemicals like Cadmium, Rhodium, Palladium, Beryllium and Lead, and in the batteries lithium, zinc, Arsenic etc. which pollute the air and contaminate our drinking water. So, stocking up of these old and unused gadgets in your shelves or cupboards means your living room is a huge storage of harmful toxins. Even if you throw them into the bins, it will destroy the landfills too.
So to get rid of this kind of situation, browse the internet and find a good mobile phone recycling company with a portal service through which you can make the sale transaction for your old mobile phones online.
The built in calculators in these portal services help you to get the value of your mobile phone on sale the moment you login in the details of the mobile along with its model number. Once the terms and conditions of the dealing is finalised, you need to send the mobile to the mobile phone recycling company through an envelope which may or may not cost a charge.
After you sell your mobile phone to the company, it verifies the condition of the mobile phone and once they are satisfied, a cheque will be drawn in favour of you which will reach you within a short time.
It is advisable to remove the SIM cards and data cards containing personal information before sending your mobile phone to the recycling. They may or may not accept the other accessories like boxes, chargers, and data cables etc. with the mobile phones on sale.